Tech-Healthy, Tech-Happy Family 2.0

  Tech-Healthy, Tech-Happy Family 2.0


This class is back – better than ever! Updated research, new frameworks, so many useful strategies. Even if you have taken this class once before, consider taking it again. You won’t regret it!


3-session class meets on Tuesdays from 7:30 – 8:45 pm (Central) over Zoom:

Parents of younger kids (toddlers-5th grade): 3/27, 4/3 & 4/10

$300 individual, $350 couple


Please note: Registration will be closed on March 21. A minimum number of registrants must be reached in order for the class to be held. Encourage your friends and family to join you!


Tech-Healthy, Tech-Happy Family 2.0

Individual or Couple?

For which class are you registering?

Here’s what parents have had to say
about Dr. Natinsky’s classes:

"Michelle does an amazing job making the material easy to understand and helps you apply the concepts with your family. This class reminds you to be a more mindful parent and helps you build a foundation with your child so everyone is happier.”"

"What we discussed and learned is easy to implement, albeit in stages and with conscious forethought, and it has immediate and noticeable results.”

"Parenting is hard. Consider this the best continuing education class investment you will ever make.”

"There is no magic bullet to understand how to be a great parent, but this course is as close as you’ll get if you are willing to understand yourself and your children.”

"This class was extremely useful in helping to connect better with my kids. I feel like I’ve gained the communication skills and techniques I needed to make my kids really listen and understand what’s important to our family.”